Pregnant beauties, unique labors, cuddly newborns, exhausted mommies, yes I am crazy about them all! I'm a passionate person in general, and most things I enjoy I do so intensely, but I have a passion that has been burning stronger and more fierce over the past few years. Birth. And all that surrounds it. Why do I love it? Many reasons. But the main one is personal. It transforms me into someone I wouldn't normally be. I'm your typical Type A, gotta have everything in order kind of girl. I like schedules, I like time lines, I like predictability. I'm the choleric, loud footsteps, hands on hips, take charge, reformed control-freak (yes, reformed because I'm getting beyond this!) Change and spontaneity are not my favorites. Pregnancy, birth, and mommy-hood = seriously uncomfortable unpredictability for me. Over the past few years, my birth experiences brought me outside of my personality in ways I never knew were possible. Why am I starting a blog? I hope that my personal thoughts and experiences will be something for other women to relate to. I want women to know they are not alone in the whirlwind of all the positives and negatives of this motherhood thing. I have so much inside, this seems to be a good way to get it out! And you know, I have a dream to write books "one day." I've heard from several well-known women authors that they wrote their first book when their kids were young, even when they had a nursing one. I guess I'm a little behind, but I'm going to start with a blog and see how it goes...
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